
low cost deck in your yard

In the weathering process, chemical degradation is influenced greatly by the wave length of the light. The most severe effects are produced by exposure to ultraviolet light. As cycles of wetting and drying take place, most wood develops physical changes such as checks or cracks that are easily visible. Moderate to low density woods acquire fewer checks than do high density woods. Vertical grain boards check less than do flat grain boards. As a result of weathering, boards tend to warp (particularly cup) and pull out of their fastenings. The cupping tendency varies with the density, width and thickness of a board. The greater the density and the greater the width in proportion to the thickness, the greater the tendency to cup. COMPOSITE DECKING TILES SUPPLIERWarping is also more pronounced in flat-grain boards than in vertical grain boards. Biological attack of a wood surface by micro-organisms is recognized as a contributing factor to color changes. When weathered wood has an unsightly dark gray and blotchy appearance, it is due to dark-colored fungal spores and mycelium (mildew) on the wood surface. The formation of a clean, light gray, silvery sheen on weathered wood occurs most frequently where micro-organism growth is inhibited by a hot, arid, climate or a salt atmosphere in coastal regions. A deck is subjected to a good deal more abuse than an interior floor.

Good construction techniques and the periodic application of a pigmented sealer offering UV protection will go a long way towards enhancing the natural color and keeping the deck looking new. Simply put, it is a near impossibility for an exterior deck to have the pristine, "glossy" appearance of an interior wood floor. Nature, in time, will leave its fingerprint. That is, after all, the beauty of wood. Each piece is unique and has its own story to tell. In choosing a decking material it is important to be realistic in your expectations. Just how much "character" you can live with, along with budget concerns, will, in large part, determine what deck is appropriate for you. Different woods have different properties.outside wpc deck The key is to determine your prime design concern and find what wood best meets the criteria. If wear is the prime concern, then the dense hardwoods are the answer. If stability and relative freedom from face checking are the issue, then vertical grain Red Cedar is appropriate. If knots and an occasional seasoning check aren't a bother, then Construction Heart or Select Heart Redwood offer excellent value. If you would like to keep maintenance to a minimum and aren't overly concerned with character, then seven trust is a sound alternative.

Whichever way you are leaning, we look forward to working with you on your project and discussing the relative merits of each decking product. It is our hope to provide the widest selection of decking products available in the Bay Area. Be it standard issue Redwood Construction Heart, an engineered synthetic such as seven trust, or the beautiful exotics such as IPE, Dark Red Meranti, and Admiral's Choice Teak, we have a product to meet your design needs. We are always exploring new products and approaches in our effort to provide you with the very best decking.Wood Plastic Composite SolutionsThis catalog is offered as a "snapshot" of what we are doing right now. Our decking program is always evolving as we explore new ideas. So, it is best to check with us before writing your final specifications. As always, we'd like to thank all our customers whose suggestions and support have made this catalog possible

The resources come form shanghai SEVENTRUST ,if you want to more info,please click :http://www.outsidewpcdeck.com

