According to reports, Liu is to decorate the house floor consumers, purchasing and paving of a number of Power Dekor, but the unexpected is the new home renovation finished yet stay home flooring appeared many from the package, Pa seam situation. To this end, Mr. Liu found the floor dealers, get the reply was:. "If there are doubts about the quality of the floor, Mr. Liu can apply to the relevant departments to identify" By the end of 2013, Mr. Liu booked a number of Power Dekor Power Dekor actually home in stores. Purchase of flooring for composite materials, the laying of more than 80 meters,wood plastic flooring cost 10,000 yuan. May 2014, finished flooring. The room for fear of taste, after Puwan has not occupied.
November 15, 2014, moved to a new home. Before moving floor found in many places from the package, contact customer service Dekor but has not solve the problem. Subsequently, the floor seams appeared dozens Grilled seam, the largest gap has half a centimeter wide. From the package, Pa seam floor affect use, but Dekor has said not a quality problem. Around five times sales staff Liu went home to see the floor, "from the package are able to walk around the place, the floor beneath furniture but no problem." The authors speculate floor from the package is due to moisture. In addition, The effect of multiple wood products casethe floor is likely to be grilled sewing room due to air dry. Liu is currently not for free replacement floor, will work with its communication and consultation, Liu could hope to find a quality accreditation body to the floor to make the identification. In this regard, Mr. Liu is not recognized. Currently, the two sides are still negotiations to resolve the matter.
The current key is to enhance people's environmental awareness, strengthen the cultivation of plantations, creating a lot of speed Fenglin, expand timber resources. Rely on technological progress, development of the timber industry. Should use wood branches, three fast-growing surplus materials and the development of artificial wood flooring, to reduce the use of forest resources. It is reported that, porch replacement boards South Yorkshire
per cubic meter of flooring can replace about 3-4 cubic meters of timber to use. The tax on the solid wood flooring, will encourage manufacturers to use more of these materials and processes to meet the needs of the market for flooring.