
Steps to install the floor

STEP 1. Lay the rails (base structure) flat and level, at a maximum interval of 40 cm. TiP: KEEP DECKiNg 2-3 CM LONgER AND CUTTO SizE AFTER iNSTALLATiON, wood plastic composite price in india USiNg A CiRCULAR SAW.ThEN FiTThE FiNiShiNg PROFiLE.ThiS WiLL giVE iTAVERy NEAT FiNiSh. STEP 2. Place a finishing profile (A-vertical) against the head of the rails , see image 2. Cut this finishing profile with a false mitre. Note: follow the drawing , so that the finishing profile connects with the so-called crosscut face later.This too must be done exactly according to the drawing . STEP 3. Now install the first section of decking . Make sure that the tongue of the finishing profile and the groove of the decking interlock and connect correctly. Now screw the finishing profile to the decking into the marked vgrooves every other 40 cm, using the enclosed long screws. Beware of the power of your electric screwdriver . TiP: FOR ADDiTiONALSTABiLiTy,ThE hORizONTALRAiLS CAN BE SCREWED ONTO ThE VERTiCAL FiNiShiNg PROFiLE USiNg ANgLE iRONS STEP wood plastic composite market4. When the first section is in place, place a clip on each rail, in the groove of the decking. Make sure they connect well and then tighten/untighten the clips to the rail, using the enclosed short screws .you can now install the second section and repeat the above instructions until you have created the size of terrace you want. Once the entire terrace is in place,tighten all screws and clips (beware of the power of your electric screwdriver). STEP 5. Once the final section is in place, you finish with a finishing profile on both the longitudinal side and the so-called crosscut face. Now cut the longitudinal side of the profile to be connected with a false mitre. Note: follow the drawing so that the finishing profile connects with the crosscut face later. Make sure that the rails are cut to the right length, so that the decking slightly protrudes and the finishing profile connects nicely . Now screw the finishing profile to the decking into the marked v-grooves every other 40 cm, using the enclosed long screws . TiP: For an extra neat and strong attachment of the finishing profile, we recommend you attach another bottom rail to the crosscut faces of the bottom rail at a right angle, using the angle irons as described under step 3. in that case you must keep the bottom rails 50 + 8 = 58 mm shorter than the end of the last section of decking. Once the last section is in place, you can fully secure the finishing profile .used vinyl fence for sale Before securing the finishing profile to the crosscut face, please note the following: • make sure you "turn" the profile in relation to the profile on the longitudinal side before you start cutting. • now follow the drawing , and cut the connecting finishing profile for the crosscut face with a false mitre. • then screw the finishing profile to the underlying rail into the marked vgroove every other 40cm, using the enclosed long screws . TiP: BEWARE OFThE POWER OFyOUR ELECTRiC SCREWDRiVER.

