
wpc decking

Minor additions to existing structures visible from the roadway may be exempted by the Planning Director from architectural review where the expansion does not constitute more than 10% of the existing floor area,patio flooring options over concrete exclusive only of decks, balconies, garages or carports, and the design of the addition is consistent with the building design guidelines of the Skyline Scenic Corridor regulations. The purpose of architectural and site review is to promote the preservation of the visual character of the Skyline Scenic Corridor in accordance with the requirements of Streets and Highways Code Sections 154, 227-229.1, 260, 261, and particularly with Section 261 which requires a county, when a highway becomes a part of the State Scenic Highways System, ". . . to have taken such action as may be necessary to protect the scenic appearance of the scenic corridor, the band of land generally adjacent to the highway right-of-way, including, but not limited to (1) regulation of land use and intensity (density) of development;outside flooring materials (2) detailed land and site planning; (3) control of outdoor advertising; (4) careful attention to and control of earth moving and landscaping; and (5) the design and appearance of structures and equipment." Preventing the erection of structures, additions or alterations which do not properly relate to their-sites or to the rural character of the Skyline area is a prime consideration in these guidelines. It is not the purpose of architectural and site review to stifle individual initiative in the design of any particular building; rather, it is the intent to achieve the overall objective of preserving the natural character of Skyline Boulevard, a State Scenic Highway, and the Skyline area. Good architectural design is based upon the suitability of a building for its purpose; upon the appropriate use of sound materials, and upon the principles of harmony and proportion in the elements of the building. Good architectural design is not, in itself, more expensive than poor architectural design and is not necessarily dependent upon the particular style of architecture selected.wpc floor for sale Before architectural design and site will be approved and in order to assist the Planning Commission in reviewing architectural and site plans, the following material must be submitted in a complete and proper manner. Material unsuited for appropriate examination will not be accepted.

