
Steps to install the floor

STEP 1. Lay the rails (base structure) flat and level, at a maximum interval of 40 cm. TiP: KEEP DECKiNg 2-3 CM LONgER AND CUTTO SizE AFTER iNSTALLATiON, wood plastic composite price in india USiNg A CiRCULAR SAW.ThEN FiTThE FiNiShiNg PROFiLE.ThiS WiLL giVE iTAVERy NEAT FiNiSh. STEP 2. Place a finishing profile (A-vertical) against the head of the rails , see image 2. Cut this finishing profile with a false mitre. Note: follow the drawing , so that the finishing profile connects with the so-called crosscut face later.This too must be done exactly according to the drawing . STEP 3. Now install the first section of decking . Make sure that the tongue of the finishing profile and the groove of the decking interlock and connect correctly. Now screw the finishing profile to the decking into the marked vgrooves every other 40 cm, using the enclosed long screws. Beware of the power of your electric screwdriver . TiP: FOR ADDiTiONALSTABiLiTy,ThE hORizONTALRAiLS CAN BE SCREWED ONTO ThE VERTiCAL FiNiShiNg PROFiLE USiNg ANgLE iRONS STEP wood plastic composite market4. When the first section is in place, place a clip on each rail, in the groove of the decking. Make sure they connect well and then tighten/untighten the clips to the rail, using the enclosed short screws .you can now install the second section and repeat the above instructions until you have created the size of terrace you want. Once the entire terrace is in place,tighten all screws and clips (beware of the power of your electric screwdriver). STEP 5. Once the final section is in place, you finish with a finishing profile on both the longitudinal side and the so-called crosscut face. Now cut the longitudinal side of the profile to be connected with a false mitre. Note: follow the drawing so that the finishing profile connects with the crosscut face later. Make sure that the rails are cut to the right length, so that the decking slightly protrudes and the finishing profile connects nicely . Now screw the finishing profile to the decking into the marked v-grooves every other 40 cm, using the enclosed long screws . TiP: For an extra neat and strong attachment of the finishing profile, we recommend you attach another bottom rail to the crosscut faces of the bottom rail at a right angle, using the angle irons as described under step 3. in that case you must keep the bottom rails 50 + 8 = 58 mm shorter than the end of the last section of decking. Once the last section is in place, you can fully secure the finishing profile .used vinyl fence for sale Before securing the finishing profile to the crosscut face, please note the following: • make sure you "turn" the profile in relation to the profile on the longitudinal side before you start cutting. • now follow the drawing , and cut the connecting finishing profile for the crosscut face with a false mitre. • then screw the finishing profile to the underlying rail into the marked vgroove every other 40cm, using the enclosed long screws . TiP: BEWARE OFThE POWER OFyOUR ELECTRiC SCREWDRiVER.

Flooring Installation Notes

The following notes highlight specific guidance from seven trust Wood:The use of outdoor wood flooring Wood Composite deck boards are subject to expansion and contraction when exposed to variations in temper ature.To accommodate for this potential thermal movement: Allow a 30mm expansion gap around the perimeter of the deck giving consideration to all walls, posts and other obstacles. Allow a 10mm expansion gap between the ends of boards To prevent'creep' secret fix each board with a single screw, positioned half way along its length, angled at 45 degrees and fixed through the bottom lip of the groove and into the joist or bearer below. in addition: • To aid water run off prepare the sub-frame to accommodate a fall of 2mm per metre along the length of the deck boards.wpc outdoor decking Fix joists/bearers at a maximum of 40cm centres when boards are fitted perpendicular to the joist direction.When boards are fitted diagonal to the direction of the joist/bearer provide supports at 30cm centres. • if the deck is to be raised or used for commercial use, seek guidance from a qualified engineer to ensure the structure is sufficient to carry the potential loadingPrior to laying: Preferably to be used on a hard sub-grade. in case of use directly on garden soil always place paving stones underneath the rails to create an extra strong foundation (see image 1).,wood plastic deck boards in that case level the ground first and remove possible weeds and use a black anti-weed membrane to prevent as much as possible weeds from growing. Keep a minimum gap of 30 mm between decking / rails and walls or other obstacles. in order to absorb the longitudinal effect of the WPC decking by influence of temperature changes, please keep an opening of about 10 mm between the crosscut faces in case of use of several sections of decking in the longitudinal direction of the terrace. Use a fine-toothed saw for cutting the material to size.

High quality flooring

Our WPC decking boards are a high quality product made to exacting specifications. The boards feature a strong hollow cell construction and are reversible with narrow spaced grooves on one side and wide spaced grooves on the other offering you two different anti-slip walking surfaces. wood plastic composite in india aThey are also eco-friendly made of 60% recycled hardwood fibres and 40% recycled polyethylene together with a bonding agent and additives including an anti-UV agent to reduce colour fade. WPC decking boards can be worked without special tools and our boards are easily fastened to a supporting substructure of joists using nylon T-Clips. These slot into the grooves along the sides of each board and are screwed into the supporting joists using 45mm stainless steel screws. Almost invisible from above, the T-Clips are a simple and effective fixing system that helps you ensure your boards are evenly spaced. For extra purchase, or as an alternative to T-Clips, The use of outdoor wood flooringour decking boards can also be screwed into supporting joists using decking screws through the centre of each board. Unlike timber boards our WPC decking boards only require a single screw through the centre of the board as they do not warp. Our nylon T-Clips, screws and other fixings can be used to easily and securely fasten your WPC decking boards to a supporting substructure. We also carry skirting trims and corner trims that enable you to properly finish and seal your new deck. wpc floor for sale All trims are also made from Wood Plastic Composite.


wpc products

Man has a long history of using lignocellulosic materials for producing composites.garden fence panels Its beginning can be traced back to the ancient times when the Egyptians added straw to mud to make bricks, which proved to be very strong and durable. Today, bio-based composites are becoming attractive in both commercial and non-commercial appli- cations . Wood plastic composites (WPCs) are widely used throughout the world; the most common type of such panels is produced by mixing wood flour and plastics. These composites are transformed by extrusion processes to obtain structural building applications including, pro- files, sheathings, decking, roof tiles, and window trims, with improved thermal and creep performance compared with unfilled plastics . In general, the stability of any building system consisting of interconnected components is directly related to the performance of the fastening ele- ments. Common wire nails and screws are widely used for making joints on WPCs particularly in decking, outdoor furniture, etc.environmentally friendly flower box because of their good performance and low cost . Therefore, knowledge of the withdrawal strength of nails and screws for WPCs will provide useful infor- mation about the stability and durability of the materials in the building system . Although numerous studies have been carried out to evaluate the withdrawal strength of different types of fasteners (such as dowel, nail, and screw).Accelerated deforestation and forest degradation, in addition to a growing demand for wood-based products, have raised an important issue regarding the sustained supply of raw materials. Consequently, there is need for alternative resources to substitute wood raw materials. Therefore, researchers, both in industry and academia, are looking for new sources of lignocellulosic materials. Among the possible alternatives, the develop- ment of composites using agricultural residues, non-wood plant fibers, and fast-growing species could play a major role in providing the balance between supply and demand for the manufacturing of wood-based composites such as WPC ., decking cost calculator ukAgricultural residues are excellent alternative waste materials to substitute wood because they are plen- tiful, widespread, and easily available. Aside from their abundance and renewability, utilization of agricultural residues has advantages for economy, environment, and technology .

wpc flooring

Alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) preservative is commonly used for wood product applications requiring decay and insect attack protection. Sawn lumber preserved with ACQ can be used in locations ranging from interior dry uses to locations with permanent ground contact, exposed to severe environments, and extreme decay potential. Typical uses include decking, fencing, and various lumber applications.outdoor deck railing This life cycle assessment (LCA) addresses ACQ preserved lumber used for residential deck surface applications. The LCA was commissioned by the Treated Wood Council (TWC), which represents the national interests of the wood preserving industry. ACQ is a wood preservative standardized by the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) utilizing copper and quaternary ammonium compound (quat) as active ingredients in a water solution. ACQ preservative was chosen to provide a benchmark for comparison and as a representative preservative system for treated wood decking material. This LCA has been completed in a manner as limited by the final Goal and Scope and consistent with the principles and guidance in ISO 14040 and 14044 and includes the four phases of an LCA; 1) Goal and scope definition, 2) Inventory analysis, 3) Impact assessment, and 4) Interpretation. Goal and Scope Definition The Goal and Scope was developed in cooperation with the TWC membership and internal and independent external reviewers and was revised iteratively as the LCA progressed. The goal is to identify the environmental impacts attributable to ACQ-treated lumber decking, identify opportunities to lessen impacts, to complete an LCA of wood plastic composite (WPC) decking (the primary alternative product), and make comparisons of the product impacts. The scope covers the full cradle-to-grave life cycle of ACQ-Treated Lumber and WPC decking. General Conclusions • outdoor balcony flooring If a family of three people installs an average deck using ACQ-treated lumber, their "footprint" for energy, greenhouse gas (GHG), fossil fuel, acidification, potential smog, ecological toxicity, and eutrophication forming air releases generally would be considered insignificant at less than one-tenth of a percent over the life of the deck; • If the same deck was constructed of WPC, the family "footprint" for energy, GHG, fossil fuel use, acidification, ecological toxicity, and smog would be low, but significantly greater than ACQ-treated lumber and about equal to ACQ for eutrophication; and • WPC requires approximately 14 times more fossil fuel and 8.5 times more total energy and results in emissions with potential to cause approximately three times more GHG, four times more acid rain, over two times more smog, approximately two times more ecological toxicity, and equal the eutrophication, when compared to ACQ-treated lumber. Inventory Analysis The cradle-to-grave life cycle inventory (LCI) was developed for life cycle stages of ACQtreated lumber including seedling production, planting and growth of trees, harvest of logs, milling of logs to dimensional lumber and drying of lumber, production of ACQ preservative, Life Cycle Assessment Procedures and Findings ACQ-Treated Lumber ES-2 Copyright 2011 Treated Wood Council pressure treatment of lumber with ACQ preservative, use of ACQ-treated lumber in decks (including maintenance of decking), demolition at the end of the useful life, disposal in landfills, and final fate in the landfill.marine board material A cradle-to-grave LCI also was developed for WPC to support product comparisons. LCI flows were first calculated on a per 1,000 board feet (Mbf) basis and then normalized to an average deck size of 320 square feet of deck surface per year of use life (average deck per year). The LCI was developed using publicly available data for most life cycle stages and a survey of wood preserving facilities for the preservative application stage. The primary source of public data was the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) LCI Database. The LCI was assembled in spreadsheet format and did not utilize proprietary software. Inclusion of the spreadsheet files as a part of the complete LCA report enhances the transparency of this overall LCA process.

wpc decking

Minor additions to existing structures visible from the roadway may be exempted by the Planning Director from architectural review where the expansion does not constitute more than 10% of the existing floor area,patio flooring options over concrete exclusive only of decks, balconies, garages or carports, and the design of the addition is consistent with the building design guidelines of the Skyline Scenic Corridor regulations. The purpose of architectural and site review is to promote the preservation of the visual character of the Skyline Scenic Corridor in accordance with the requirements of Streets and Highways Code Sections 154, 227-229.1, 260, 261, and particularly with Section 261 which requires a county, when a highway becomes a part of the State Scenic Highways System, ". . . to have taken such action as may be necessary to protect the scenic appearance of the scenic corridor, the band of land generally adjacent to the highway right-of-way, including, but not limited to (1) regulation of land use and intensity (density) of development;outside flooring materials (2) detailed land and site planning; (3) control of outdoor advertising; (4) careful attention to and control of earth moving and landscaping; and (5) the design and appearance of structures and equipment." Preventing the erection of structures, additions or alterations which do not properly relate to their-sites or to the rural character of the Skyline area is a prime consideration in these guidelines. It is not the purpose of architectural and site review to stifle individual initiative in the design of any particular building; rather, it is the intent to achieve the overall objective of preserving the natural character of Skyline Boulevard, a State Scenic Highway, and the Skyline area. Good architectural design is based upon the suitability of a building for its purpose; upon the appropriate use of sound materials, and upon the principles of harmony and proportion in the elements of the building. Good architectural design is not, in itself, more expensive than poor architectural design and is not necessarily dependent upon the particular style of architecture selected.wpc floor for sale Before architectural design and site will be approved and in order to assist the Planning Commission in reviewing architectural and site plans, the following material must be submitted in a complete and proper manner. Material unsuited for appropriate examination will not be accepted.